Advertising and marketing

L/O: To explore the aims and conventions of print advertising 

aim is to bring attention, provides a major source of income to other media industries

all adverts aim to communicate a clear message about the product 

Unique, It informs this is the real deal
Persuade, Shows that is one of the best out there
Raises Awareness
informs that it has zero calories šŸ˜±

Advertising and Marketing 
L/O: to explore the codes and conventions of print advertising 

codes and conventions= the expected elements that will be included in products from particular media forms and genres 

1)aims are to show how it
hard sell

aim is to show awareness 
it communicates by

Language technique 
1)it has persuasive language , imperatives 
3)wordplay in the word punch 

modern adverts makes references to other media products.
helps communicate a message quickly
the chocolate factory

Historical advertisements 
L/O: to explore historical adverts and their codes and conventions 

Do now
1) it is kind of stereotypically feminine 
2)with their language technique 

Historical advert set text
L/O: To explore the context and content of the historical set text

The icons of the quality street is two character
Between 1811 and 1837 there was a lot of development 
in the 1950 there was a high change in culture 

things considered luxury became more affordable 

it is
it has a serif font
a lot of repetition of the word delicious 
the connotations     
anchorage of the gold frame- creating a halo effect
hand drawn artistic nature
alliteration, emotive language 
women dressed up the same colour as the sweets

Do now
1) rich, 
2) the lifestyle they lead is nice, choice of clothing shows how they are rich
it is 

Historical Advert Set text
L/o: to explore the context and representations in the Historical set text

In the 1950s saw a change in high culture where arts and entertainment became more affordable.
Rationing was coming to an end 

Advert 1
 they are stereotypically represented on what women like. Shows how women where cleaning
Aimed at men.

Advert 2
It is portraying that women cook and the men gets the money to afford one 

Advert 3
The boy and the man are playing but then the women are cleaning or serving.  

Advert 4

Advert 5
shows how men are superior 

Advert 6
this tells us that women do the cooking  

The gender roles in the 1950s you can see how men where superior. You can see this in the adverts and how the women where all doing cleaning, cooking etc and the men where getting the money to afford things for the stuff women would want. All of the adverts where aimed for men to buy for women which also shows how men where the superior ones.

You can see the gender roles in 1950s in the advert with picture. The clothing style of the mens is the same to all the other adverts. The delicious dilemma shows that he has the power to choose.

The male gaze shows the women from a masculine view 

The effect of the man in the centre framed in the middle shows that they are the superior ones and how they have the power

The effect of the man's costume is a suit shows that the men would do the work and get money as the women would stay at home

The effect of the 2 women both dressed like sweets and kissing the man tells us that they are being objectified like the sweets and there both kissing the man shows how they don't care.

Do now
1) male
2) reasons why are the male is centrally positioned, the women have been objectified like since they look like the sweets. His choice of clothing 

Historical Advert set text 12/1/2024
L/O to explore the possible exam style questions for advertising 

The representation men and women in the quality street advert is very male dominant. For example the male is centred in the middle of the advert to effect how he is the superior ones with power. The suit also has connotations of power and their wealth as the women are just wearing plain clothes that shows how the aren't as rich or powerful. 

Another representation of the female is  by what they are wearing the colour of the sweets which connotes to them being objectified, This shows how women did not have us much power as the men.
Another effect where you can see the masculinity is in the delicious dilemma shows how the male had the power to choose what they want. 

no clue

Analysing adverts 
L/O: to build the skills needed to analyse and evaluate adverts 

Connotation and denotation 
Do now
the differences are one links to something/ associate with it and denotation is explaining something literally

Advert 1

connotes guarding the internet

Advert 2
  connotes to luxury.          

Advert 3

1.Inquisitive, interested, curious, disabled 
crippled handicapped retarded nosy 

contemporary adverts
L/O: to understand the techniques used in contemporary adverts.

Gender Stereotypes 
Do now

male superiority 
females liking pink colours
males prefer doing sports
women were more emotional

 1)Fiat is presented as a not so competitive brand compared to others. It is seen as less serious 
 2)you can tell by the choice of typography, lines and the colours.
 3)the female advert colour palate is more bright and colour full compared to the male advert .
 4)gender is represented quite stereotypically. The females focuses on how it colour full and fruity is looks as the males is about being sporty.    

Do now

persuasive text
main image 

Creating adverts
L/O: to use our understanding of adverts conventions to create advertisements 

persuasive lines 

why hold it when you can wear it?

fit clip dip it.

put some fat on your body?

this might be the best clucking way of training chickens


Women in Advertising
L/o: To evaluate how women are represented in a variety of adverts, so that we can apply the set text for the exam 

This data shows that how
there was a larger average on the door side
regardless of gender both enjoyed sports 

National campaigned launched in 2016
there is no commercial aspect 
no intention to make money 
purpose was to break down the  primary barrier holding woman back from sport-fear of judgement
2 million fewer 14-40yr old women then men partaking in regular sporting activity 
as the start of the campaign 1.6m have started exercising 

"A kick right in the stereotypes"
shows how she doesnt care about being judged and faces against them 



   the difference between this and nike is that this one is about promoting people who don't usually exercise. In the nike one they already have a physically fit body compared to this one.
The this girl can audience is

 it targets a wider range of women by adding women different ages to ethnicity

Advertising set text
L/O: to analyse the construction of this girl can set texts

sweat- exercise, wet, smelly 
Pig- dirty, muddy, ugly

The way they have used this phrase to change how it is normally looked upon. The  

the use of serif font helps it stand out more                                                             

to show that you dont need to have a physically fit body
shows how she does not care about her appearance
doesnt care
she is standing out 
she is enjoying herself
ones about sweets and one is the male as a main image and the other is female

Do now

dominant ideology 


C1 Section a PPE

l/O; to practise how to answer exam style questions effectively

question 1 (this girl can) :
1. explore how the print for advertisement for This Girl Can uses media language to create meanings:
(a) text/written language 
The this girl can campaign advertisement uses media language to create meanings by their use of text as you can see the Sweating like a pig, feeling like a fox. the connotations to pig is dirty and sweaty. While the feeling like a fox connotes to being sexy. The are the exact opposite of each other which could show
how it is challenging stereotypes by breaking down the barrier of being judged while doing sports.This can also challenge how other advertisements promoting to do sport which is more serious in their language compared to this one.

Another way they have used media language is the top right #this girl can which is a campaign that courages girls to work out and stand out. This links to the middle text since when you exercise you sweat a lot but feeling like a fox shows how they do no care on anyones opinion this is also a play of language, a simile. I think the overall context is about challenging girls to exercise and stop being scared of being judged.

1. explore how the print for advertisement for This Girl Can uses media language to create meanings:
(b) visual codes for example images, lighting, dress.

The This Girl Can campaign aims to promote girls at any age to exercise and break down the barrier of being judged doing sport. You can see this with her facial expressions which is happy/joyful this shows how she is enjoying herself and this could link to the main overall message.

Another point that she is not wearing any make up which challenges other adverts since they all normally wear make up and look like models while this one is the exact opposite,This could also show how she does not care about being judged. This links to the message about breaking down the barrier about being judged.

Another way you can see how they use the visual codes is what she is wearing which challenges stereotypes since she is wearing blue which normally connotes to a masculine kild of colour. This links back to the message about not being scared about other peoples opinions on yourself.

The last point is the colour lighting they use which is pink. This makes her sweat and features stand out more.

PPE Q1a: 5/5
WWW: Good use of the DEL structure
EBI - explain what the stereotypes they are challenging are

PPE Q1b:10/10
WWW: some focus on the meanings constructed by the visual codes
EBI: you need to explain WHAT meanings the codes you have chosen have

C1 section a PPE
L/O: To revise how to answer exam style questions effectively

Question 2a)
explain how political contexts influence magazines. refer to pride magazine to support your points 


Explain how historical context has influenced advertising. Refer to the Quality Street advert to support your points. [5]

Historical context has influenced advertising through the advance in technology and the representations of gender and ethnicity. For example,The introduction of radio and television in the 20th century created new broadcast advertising or the introduction of the print press which is one of the major events of advertisements since this allowed multiple prints at once


  1. Good notes on aims and conventions - check your understanding of soft v hard sell though.

    Good notes and understanding of context, the use of ML & representation

    Not done

    Good notes and understanding of context, the use of ML & representation.

    PPE Q1a: 3/5
    WWW: Good use of the DEL structure
    EBI - explain what the stereotypes they are challenging are

    PPE Q1b:6/10
    WWW: some focus on the meanings constructed by the visual codes
    EBI: you need to explain WHAT meanings the codes you have chosen have


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