since the 1970s they have had a massive growing industry due to rapid technology advancements
1970:video games reached a massive audience through coin operated arcade games and home consoles
1980 Nintendo started making more home consoles
1990: games started to become online so you play play with other people and games start to have meanings and storylines
2000: graphics start to advance and games became more advanced
1)the variety of different platforms to play on
2)the rapid change in technology
3)increase in graphics
1)mobile, computers and laptops
2)it was one of the cheapest option and you can use it on the go
3)it became more popular due to more games and advancements
4)they use adverts to earn money
5)it made it feel more life like since it uses real life scenery
Cod: played online, could be for certain people, involves some real wars
Do now
1)new home consoles technology graphics speed and interactivity
2)combines the real world with computer-generated content
3)playing with others online
4)relating to a character
Case study: Fortnite
L/O to research the case study and explore the context of video games
1)Epic games
2)July 17 2017
3)26 billion
5)it is a battle royale in each game there would be a 100 players on a map where you need to find weapons and materials to fight eacb other
6)free to play battle
7)you could see it on youtube facebook twitter and Instagram feeds
8)it is a online game
9) it was free and everyone could play it
Epic games
started by Tim Sweeney 1991 and run from his parents home
used a operating system called unreal engine to develop Fortnite
in 2014 the guinness book of records named unreal engine as the most succesfull video game
epic games own video game developer Chair entertainment and cloud-based software
Exploring context
Do violent video games make people more violent
it has less violent graphics
Prince Harry it was a irresponsible game which was also addicting
violence in video games
Do now
1)Epic games
2)Save the world
3)unreal engine
4) moral panic is a wide spreading feeling of fear that some evil person or thing threatens the values, interest's or well being
5) regulation= act of controlling something
Video games rating are mandatory. Under UK law, the games rating authority (GRA) rates the game using PEGI system.
The main differences between PEGI age ratings are the types of content that are allowed at each rating level
Suitable for all ages, and should not contain any sounds or pictures that are likely to frighten young children
Suitable for children over the age of 7, but may contain some frightening scenes or sounds
Suitable for children over the age of 12, but may contain more graphic violence, mild bad language, sexual innuendo, or sexual posturing
Suitable for young people over the age of 16, but may contain more mature and realistic violence, mild bad language, sexual innuendo, or sexual posturing
Only suitable for adults, and may contain gross violence, motiveless killings, glamorisation of using illegal drugs, and explicit sexual activity
Fortnite had a PEGI of 12 for frequent scenes of mild violence but it seems parents are more concerned about being addicted to it
Games are regulated by the use of PEGi age ratings. These are ratings will decide what is suitable for people of that age. The differences between the ages are the types of contents. For example. Violence, sexual innuendo, bad language, realistically etc. Fortnite has a PEGi 12 since it only contains a little graphic violence
convergence= thing that can be used on different things/places
technical convergence=can be used on different platforms
synergy= brings a wider audience to both the
Dyers star theory
refers to the idea that celebrities are commodities manufactured by institutions. Dyer believes that celebrities are constructed to represent real people using real emotions in order to relate to audiences and sell products such as films or music
Explain how convergence and synergy benefit the Fortnite brand
Paragraph 1: Convergence benefits the Fortnite brand because it makes playing it more available for everyone. For example they use technical convergence which allows everyone to play on different platforms and it being free makes almost everyone have the availability to play it this benefits them since they would earn more money because everyone could play it and then might buy in game items
Paragraph 2: Synergy benefits the Fortnite brand because they would use famous celebrities who are not related to the game which will bring their fans who probably never heard of Fortnite to start playing it.
This works both ways since people who already play Fortnite might not know the celebrity which will also might gain interest in them. possibly uh Band 3 (7 marks)
add more reasons and examples with the use of convergence and synergy
Do now
2)something that can be used on different platforms
4)games rating authority
5)regulation is the act of controlling something
How do video games make money?
Fortnite money making methods
in-game purchases
the game starts to loose its hype or there is nothing
The launch and success of Fortnite
the promotional targeted existing gamers
the campaign (fearless media) reached 150 million users across different gaming sites.
it had a cinematic trailer
they gained 10 million players in the first 2 weeks following its launch.
approximately 650 million registered players
averages 5 and a half
for example the avengers infinity gauntlet limited time mash-up generated 1.2million mentions on social media in the first two days
star wars
john wick
epic now employs many professional gamers to keep the game at the forefront of the online conversation
Do now
1) in game items advertisements
2) more people might have an interest
3) nike , mclaren
4)ads ,
5)personal identity information entertainment
L/O to explore the appeal of video games and how the industry targets and different audiences
main elements are the games you could play or what it out right now like new updates
the products are all on the home page
they have
a range of posts highlight the latest news and developments in Fortnite.
the menu bar includes links to pages for each mods of the game and other features like competition
target audience 78% are male 22% are female 53% are aged 10-25 and 42% are in full time employment
the unrealistic violence and cartoon-style graphics to make it more appealing to a younger audience
People who like the lego games or zombie survival, star wars, music styled games,
applying audience theory 1
they mainly work on the idea that audiences can be active or passive the difference between an active audience and passive audience is how they engage with media messages
an active audience that engages with media messages by interpreting evaluating and responding to them they are able to question the messages and challenge the ideas they convey
a passive audience accepts media messages without question and is most likely to be directly affected by them they are more receptive and less engaged
the distinction between active and passive audience is important because it challenges the traditional view of media as having a one way flow of information
events, seasons, playing the game
personal identity= choosing what game or what you want to do
entertainment= a wide choice of products to use
Do now
1) it has all of its products on the home page, merchandise
2)78% are male 22% are female 53% are aged 10-25 and 42% are in full time employment
3)celeberties not related to the game
Exam preparation
fortnite targets younger people
Good class notes. There seem to be some missing though - use my blog to catch up on anything missed
A solid answer - I agree with both your marking and what you need to work on to improve
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not completed